Thursday, February 28, 2013

Chapter 5: Inventory - NOTES

o   It always struck me as funny that your butler was never in your house. Generally butlers tidy up inside, but in Glitch they wait forever outside. That’s why, even when the house was his, I never had Mr. Trinkets go inside.

o   I always wondered about Magic Rock’s instantaneous teleportation abilities. He’s always there. You can’t escape him.

o   Unlike the fictitious Sebastian my house was incredibly messy. The “dreadfully cluttered with no sense of style line” is directed at myself entirely. I loved the idea of creating this awesome house with multiple floors and great decorations, but in the end I just wasn’t suited to it. I was always out in the world and really used my house as a glorified storage closet. Up until the announcement that Glitch was closing my house was a single level with only the starting furniture and stuff left EVERYWHERE. I had crap all over my table and floor and when I couldn’t fit anything else I just piled it outside. I’m a bit of a video game hoarder, I guess. I did keep a chicken named Alohomora in the back yard just to mix things up. Once the shutdown was announced I got rid of it all, either by donating it or just dropping it somewhere in Ur. Even my furniture got put away. In the end I left a bare, one-room house with starry wallpaper and a few trees in the backyard.

o   I liked fitting the wardrobe into the house in a way that Glitchen might have actually experienced it, rather than as just an interface on the website. Again, I purposely avoided describing what Wonder is wearing (if anything).

o   The collecting of bags and equipment is just a technicality. I didn’t want a lack of items to be a plot point later on, so I figured it would be better to explain how Wonder gained an expanded inventory and lots of foodstuffs ahead of time. Mostly just me being nitpicky about the realities of carrying supplies.

o   The specific mention of bringing along a toolbox was another side bit that got left out. I was planning to actually have Magic Rock teach Wonder how to use some of the tools later on, but it just kind of got lost in the story.

o   Firedog was my first ever Cubimal. He was a Firebog Street Spirit Cubimal. He was one of the few items I kept with me after the shutdown was announced.

o   The second Purple reference. Mr. Trinkets turned into a bit of a pusher in this story.

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