Thursday, February 28, 2013

Prologue: The End of Ur - NOTES

o   This is pretty much how I saw things happening when the real “Awakening” was announced. People panicked and cried. I prepared for the end of the world in the best way that I could think of; I gave away all of my possessions except for a single bag of odds and ends of little practical use, but a lot of sentimental value. Then I traveled all over Ur. I had already gotten most of the exploration badges so I was determined to explore all of the new regions of Ur as well. I’m glad I did because some of the new regions ended up being my favorites.

o   I wasn’t around for much of the actual end of Glitch. We went out with some friends that night and got home about an hour before the servers reset. Originally I had wanted to spend the last minutes in Uutiif, but I wasn’t able to log on. I kept trying right up until the end and somehow I miraculously got on the server after the shutdown. I was on my home street, where I always left my Glitch when I logged off, and I was happy to be there with Mr. Trinkets and Magic Rock instead of off somewhere else for eternity.

o   The idea for this story came from the last paragraph floating around in my head. I just started wondering, ‘What if some Glitch woke up just as the world was ending and everything wasn’t really gone?’ Eventually I sort of fleshed out the idea and started writing this story, but even when I posted this first section I hadn’t completely decided how to end it so it was a little scary to start something without knowing if I would finish it. In the end I let my own feelings on the game dictate how it should play out and a lot of what I wrote--especially the stuff concerning the end of the world and trying to save it--relates directly to my feelings on the end of the game and people wanting to restart it or recreate it somewhere else.

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