Thursday, February 28, 2013

Chapter 3: Alone Again - NOTES

o   I didn’t name any of the chapters when I wrote them, I just have a Word doc divided by horizontal divider lines. It wasn’t until I put them into the blog that I titled them. I sort of hated this chapter title when I wrote it, but I didn’t really have any better ideas. Now that Koro’s story is more fleshed out in my mind and in the rest of the story it feels like a better title to me.

o   Speaking of titles, none of these are supposed to be copied from or referencing any other work. I did, more than once, have to talk myself out of using a Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit chapter title, though.

o   This is a very dramatic scene for Koro, and she’s a very dramatic bird. One might even say overly dramatic. Her declaration that she’ll wait there for Wonder until she dies seems ridiculous, but that’s exactly the kind of thing that could happen in Ur. In fact it did happen all the time. People would go AFK and come back to find themselves in Hell constantly. Of course death for a Rook might not just mean a quick trip to Hell.

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